Music Theory
Basics of Reading Music
Ear Training
Level 1
Ear Training
Level 2
Ear Training
Level 3
Ear Training
Level 4
Ear Training
Level 5
Ear Training
Level 6
Ear Training
Level 7
Ear Training
Level 8
Music Theory -Rhythm
Rhythm and Meter
Music Theory -Rhythm
Rhythm 2
Music Theory -Rhythm
Review: Note values and duration
Music Theory -Rhythm
Exercise- Counting and Clapping
Music Theory -Rhythm
Review: Rhythm, dotted notes, ties, rests
Music Theory -Rhythm
Double and Triple Time Signatures
Music Theory -Rhythm
Meters in 6, 9, 12 -Time Signatures
Music Theory -Rhythm
Review of Time Signatures
Music Theory -Rhythm
Constant vs Changing Time, adding triplets
Music Theory -Identifying Pitch
Staff, names of notes, treble clef
Music Theory -Identifying Pitch
Ledger Lines and the octave
Music Theory -Identifying Pitch
Bass clef, grand staff and the octave
Music Theory -Identifying Pitch
Treble Clef and C Major scale
Music Theory -Identifying Pitch
Alto and Tenor Clefs
Music Theory -Identifying Pitch
Music Theory -Identifying Pitch
Natural Sign, more on accidentals
Music Theory -Identifying Pitch
More on Sharps and flats
Music Theory - Music Scales
How to Build Scales
Music Theory -Music Scales
Key Signatures Made Easy
Music Theory -Music Scales
Guide to Major Scales
Music Theory -Music Scales
Why Major Scales are 'Happy'
Music Theory -Music Scales
Guide to Modes
Music Theory -Music Scales
Guide to Minor Scales
Music Theory -Music Scales
Which Key is Saddest?
Music Theory -Music Scales
Three Flavors of Minor Scales
Music Theory -Music Scales
Guide to chromatic Scales
Music Theory - Intervals
How Intervals Work
Music Theory - Intervals
Find Interval Names Easily
Music Theory - Intervals
Interval Ear Training
Music Theory - Chords
How Chords Work
Music Theory - Chords
Seventh Chords
Music Theory -Identifying Pitch
Side Lesson- Order of Sharps
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